KSOP Summer School 2014

Three days of discussions, lectures and networking on the latest research topics in Optics and Photonics located in the middle of the Black Forrest.
Bad Herrenalb

We are proud to have housed not only students and doctoral researchers from KSOP, on top more than 100 students and young scientists from abroad.


In 2014 the KSOP Summer School brought recent advancements as well as leading experts of O&P to Bad Herrenalb, nearby Karlsruhe in the Black Forrest.

During this guest scientists, international key speakers and KSOP scientist escaped together with students, doctoral researchers and young scientists into the intriguing world of Optics and Photonics.

The speakers gave an insight in the latest research findings in regard to the five Research Areas of KSOP.

The event is supported by OSKar, Optic Students Karlsruhe, a group of enthusiastic students sharing optics and photonics knowledge. They could win Bruce Horwitz over for holding a speech at Summer School 2014.


Please check the program of the KSOP Summer School 2014 here. Below you also find all speakers listed.


Portrait Name Talk
Ultrafast Processes in Organic Nanostructures and Materials designed for photovoltaic applications
Ten years of fluorescence light sheet microscopy
Stereo Vision for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving
Quantum Optics with a Spin
Metamaterials with interacting "meta-atoms": Fundamentals and Applications
Mechanicals Systems in the Quantum regime: Cavity Optomechanics
Intellectual Property - What It Is and How It Affects Your Activities
Highly efficient multijunction solar cells
Eight years of single-molecule localization microscopy: from concepts to biological impact
Complex Plasmonics