Smart Factory@Industry: Hands-On Industry Training
Industry 4.0
The concept of Industry 4.0 defines a new way of organizing factories, also called smart factories. They aim to better serve customers through greater flexibility of production and resource optimization, integrating the internet of things and digitalization into the global production processes.
About the Program
Optics and Photonics are key enabling technologies in the scope of Smart Factories, which means that students need know-how for the integration and extension of these digitalized factories. In cooperation with industry partners the Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics as the first graduate school of the KIT offers the additional industry training Smart Factory@Industry. This dual training program aims to enhance the interdisciplinary profile of our students. Lastly, with this program the students are able to build up networks with potential employers.
Key Principles Industry 4.0
- Flexible Factories
- Collection and Analysis of Data
- Use of networks for instant communication
- More efficiency in terms of energy and resources
- Heavy utilization of the internet
- Real time process monitoring
- Integration of technical processes and business processes
- Digital image and virtualization of the real world
- Great potential of combining "intelligent" products and capital goods
Facts about Smart Factory@Industry
Benefits for Our Students
The participants will gain...
- Hands-on experience
- Direct links to key players in the German industry
- Knowledge directly from industry experts
- Additional management skills
- Sense for today’s job market
- Intercultural competences
- The opportunity to do the Bachelor's thesis with one of the industry partners
Potential Topics of the Industry Projects
Take Part in Smart Factory@Industry
Want to take part in this exciting dual-training program? If you're not a current KSOP M.Sc. student, then apply to the KSOP M.Sc. in Optics & Photonics program!
If you are a current KSOP M.Sc. student, then contact Ms. Nina Becker today!