Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics (KDOP)

KSOP's qualification both as research and education platform for the future's greats in Optics & Photonics is based on close partnerships with leaders from industry and academia. To deepen these knowledge networks, KSOP provides the bi-annual Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics.
Every other year for two days, the Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics brings together leading experts of Optics & Photonics to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). During the conference, each of the five research areas of KSOP is highlighted by plenary lectures. The lectures will be held by an invited expert in the respective field.
In addition, all KSOP doctoral researchers present their research in a poster session.
This turns KDOP into an efficient format to initiate collaboration with national as well as international partners from industry and academia. With an average of 150 participants, we are proud to provide a renowned forum in the Optics & Photonics world.
Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics (KDOP) 2023
Date: November 16-17, 2023
Location: The upcoming Karlsruhe Days of Optics and Photonics will take place in the brand new auditorium of the International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology gGmbH at Schlossplatz 19, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany.
Registration: To register for KDOP, fill out the below form and then purchase your ticket through the webshop. You will receive the link to the webshop after you have registered below. All KSOP members are automatically registered and do not need to purchase the ticket through webshop. Registration is possible until October 31, 2023, 10 p.m. (CEST) the latest.
Former KDOPs
Take a look at past Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics events as well as other past KSOP events.