Portrait | Title | Name | Ph.D. Thesis |
Dr. | Abdo, Mohammad | Miniaturization of a hyperspectral imaging system | |
Dr. | Adam, Clara | Synthesis of Copper(I)-complexes for application in OLEDs | |
Dr. | Adams, Michael | Triplet exciton transport in porphyrin-based surface-anchored metal-organic framework thin films | |
Dr. | Allegro, Isabel | Perovskite Lasers and LEDs | |
Dr. | Arndt, Andreas | Dynamics of optical excitations and electrical signals in organic solar cells and photodiodes | |
Dr. | Abzieher, Tobias | Evaporative Preparation of Perovskite-Based Absorbers for Thin Film Solar Cells | |
Dr. | Aßhoff, Pablo | Spin-based optoelectronics with semiconductor quantum dots | |
Dr. | Bachmann, Michael | Analysis of integrin-mediated cell contacts on differential fibronectin/vitronectin substrates using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy | |
Dr. | Baroni, Nicolò | SURMOF-based Luminescent Solar Concentrators | |
Dr. | Beck, Johannes | Camera Calibration with Non-Central Local Camera Models | |
Dr. | Beck, Torsten | High quality polymer microresonators as optical sensors | |
Dr. | Bergmann, Larissa | New emitters for OLEDs: The coordination- and photo-chemistry of mononuclear neutral copper(I) complexes | |
Dr. | Beri, Deski | Surface functionalization of silicon nanocrystals via a microwave reactor | |
Dr. | Beuth, Thorsten | Analysis and optimization of focused LiDAR systems for wind turbines | |
Dr. | Bichelberger, Mathilde | Optical spectroscopy of synthetic compounds for life science applications | |
Dr. | Bocksrocker, Tobias | Technologies for light management in organic light-emitting diodes | |
Dr. | Bog, Uwe | Optical Whispering Gallery Resonators and their Functionalization for Biosensors | |
Dr. | Bogatscher, Siegwart | High aperture time-of-flight laser camera | |
Dr. | Bolse, Nico | Sensor systems for trace detection of nitroaromatic hazardous substances using fluorescence quenching | |
Dr. | Bonk, René | Linear and Nonlinear Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers for Next-Generation Optical Networks | |
Dr. | Brammer, Marko | Modular optoelectronic microfluidic backplane | |
Dr. | Brenner, Philipp | Hybrid organic-inorganic and fully-inorganic solution processible optoelectronic devices based on nanoparticles | |
Dr. | Brendle, Katrina | Spectroscopic and mass spectrometric investigations of porphyrin-ions in gas phase | |
Dr. | Bumüller, Dennis | Electron diffraction on ionic clusters in gas phase for the identification of structure-based properties | |
Dr. | Busch, Jasmin Marie | Synthesis of Copper(I) and Silver(I) Complexes for the Investigation of Cooperative Effects and Application in OLEDs | |
Dr. | Busch, Steve | Advanced spectroscopic techniques for internal combustion engine diagnostics | |
Dr. | Butzbach, Markus | High-resolution optical coherence tomography with a supercontinuum laser | |
Dr. | Bückmann, Tiemo | On Mechanical Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Chandra, Annie | Development of novel light technology simulation software | |
Dr. | Charaev, Ilya | Improving the Spectral Bandwidth of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs) | |
Dr. | Conradt, Jonas | Zinc oxide nanostructures for optoelectronic applications | |
Dr. | Cuevas, Felipe | Development of medium temperature low cost Fresnel collectors | |
Dr. | Decker, Manuel | New light on optical activity: interaction of electromagnetic waves with chiral photonic metamaterials | |
Dr. | Diehl, Richard | Analysis of Metallic Nanostructures by a Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Maxwell Solver on Graphics Processing Units | |
Dr. | Diessel, Daniela | Near-field optical spectroscopy on photonic metamaterials | |
Dr. | Dolling, Gunnar | Design, fabrication, and characterization of double-negative metamaterials for photonics | |
Dr. | Donie, Yidenekachew Jenberu | Optoelectronics | |
Dr. | Dopf, Katja | Bimodal optical antennas: Design, fabrication and spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Dottermusch, Stephan | 3D Nanostructure Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells | |
Dr. | Dörner, Steffen | Multifrequency readout method for superconducting single photon detectors | |
Dr. | Eckert, Antonia | Super-resolution localization microscopy: Advancing the technology and applying it to biomolecular dynamics at the cell membrane | |
Dr. | Eckstein, Ralph | Aerosol Jet Printed Electronic Devices and Systems | |
Dr. | Egel, Amos | Accurate optical simulation of disordered scattering layers for light extraction from organic light emitting diodes | |
Dr. | Ensslen, Philipp | DNA as template for heteroleptic complex formation and attachment of ethinylnil red and ethinylpyrene nucleosides | |
Dr. | Ergin, Tolga | Photonic metamaterials for transformation optics | |
Dr. | Ernst, Hanna | Ultrafast photophysics and photochemistry after excited state intramolecular charge transfer in the liquid phase | |
Dr. | Eslam, Alexander | Structural and electrical effects of sodium and other alkali metals on CIGS Thin Films and Solar Cells | |
Dr. | Essig, Sabine | Advanced Numerical Methods in Diffractive Optics and Applications to Periodic Photonic Nanostructures | |
Dr. | Fallert, Johannes | Stimulated emission in zinc oxide nanostructures | |
Dr. | Feth, Nils | Nonlinear optics of planar metamaterial arrays and spectroscopy of individual photonic atoms | |
Dr. | Fiederling, Felix | Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Growth Cone Adaptation in the Development of Topographic Projections | |
Dr. | Fischer, Jan | Dipolar Molecular Rotors in Surface-anchored Metal-organic Frameworks (SURMOFs) | |
Dr. | Fischer, Joachim | Three-dimensional optical lithography beyond the diffraction limit | |
Dr. | Flatae, Assegid | Active Polymeric Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators | |
Dr. | Formica, Nadia | Mechanically flexible, transparent conductors based on ultrathin metallic layers | |
Dr. | Frenzel, Tobias | On 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Fritz, Benjamin | ||
Dr. | Frölich, Andreas | On tailored three-dimensional optical materials by atomic layer deposition | |
Dr. | Fruhnert, Martin | Optics in Self Assembled Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Gärtner, Stefan | Organic nanoparticles for forming photoactive layers of organic solar cells | |
Dr. | Gansel, Justyna | Helical Optical Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Garcia Santiago, Xavier | Design of optimal nanostructures through shape optimization algorithms | |
Dr. | Gebhardt, Christoph | Development & Experimental Validation of a Novel Computational Model of Retinotopic Mapping | |
Dr. | Geiger, Andreas | Probabilistic Models for 3D Urban Scene Understanding from Movable Platforms | |
Dr. | Gharibzadeh, Saba | Engineering wide-bandgap perovskites for highly efficient and durable tandem solar cells | |
Dr. | Gheisari, Ali | Novel tools for simultaneous optogenetic manipulation and calcium imaging in the zebrafish nervous system | |
Dr. | Großmann, Tobias | Whispering-Gallery-Mode Lasing in Polymeric Microcavities | |
Dr. | Gruhler, Nico | Nanophotonic circuits for infrared spectrsocopy and optomechanic sensing | |
Dr. | Guci, Sildona | Numerical optimization of micro- and nano-optical elements | |
Dr. | Habermehl, Anne | Roll-to-roll fabrication of microfluidic analytical systems based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Hahn, Vincent | Conceptual Enhancement of 3D Laser Lithography | |
Dr. | Hanisch, Jonas | Optimization of cathodes and interlayers for polymer solar cells | |
Dr. | Hauß, Julian | Bragg gratings for light management in organic light-emitting diodes | |
Dr. | Hauser, Mario | Glass and polymer microresonators as optical whispering galleries | |
Dr. | He, Wei | Monitoring mechanical and structural properties at sub-micrometric scales of cells in 3D | |
Dr. | Helmer, Melanie | Ambient interior lighting | |
Dr. | Henrich, Dagmar | Influence of Material and Geometry on the Performance of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors | |
Dr. | Heußner, Nico | Investigation of eye hazards by scanning laser systems to support design processes | |
Dr. | Hillerkuß, David | Single-Laser Multi-Terabit/s Systems | |
Dr. | Hippler, Marc | 3D Laser Lithography of Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels | |
Dr. | Hofsäß, Robert | Supramolekulare Chromophor-DNA-Architekturen – Steuerung der Chromophorsequenz und der helikalen Orientierung | |
Dr. | Hossain, Ihteaz Muhaimeen | Nanophotonic Semitransparent Perovskite Solar cells for Multijunction PV devices | |
Dr. | Höfle, Stefan | Solution-processed organic tandem light emitting diodes | |
Dr. | Hörner, Anna | Microscopic and spectroscopic investigations of fluorescent dyes and fluorescence-labelled glycostructures | |
Dr. | Huber, Christian | Micromechanical tunable Fabry-Pérot interferometers with membrane Bragg mirrors based on silicon/silicon carbonitride | |
Dr. | Huber, Robert | Development of microfluidic fluorescence quenching sensors. | |
Dr. | Hummel, Benjamin | Glare free LED high beam headlight | |
Dr. | Hundemer, Fabian | Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Acceptor modified TADF Emitters | |
Dr. | Husnik, Martin | Quantitative optical spectroscopy of single metallic nanostructures | |
Dr. | Hünig, Ruben | Light Manangement in CIGS thin film solar cells | |
Dr. | Jäger, Patrick | Spectroscopic and mass spectrometric investigations of isolated metalloporphyrin multianions | |
Dr. | Jahn, Patric | iLaS” intelligent laserlight for compact, high-resolution, adaptive headlamps | |
Dr. | Jakoby, Marius | Investigating exciton dynamics by photoluminescence quenching experiments in metal-organic frameworks and thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters | |
Jin, Qihao | Photonic Nanostructures for Light Management and Sensing | ||
Dr. | Joseph, Reetu | Photophysics of Upconversion: Towards Application in Upconversion Displays | |
Dr. | Jürgensen, Nils | Biodegradable Printed Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells | |
Dr. | Kahl, Oliver | Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors for Integrated Quantum Optics | |
Dr. | Kaiser, Philipp Daniel | Transcriptome analysis of schizophrenia-relevant brain regions in neuregulin-1-deficient mice | |
Dr. | Kalyakina, Alena | Novel lanthanide-based probes for biomedical and lighting applications | |
Dr. | Karl, Matthias | Light confinement in pyramidal and columnar microresonators | |
Dr. | Karpuschkin, Tatjana | Temperature dependent reaction kinetics of mass selected multiple charged anions in an FT-ICR mass spectrometer | |
Dr. | Kaschke, Johannes | Complex Helical Metamaterials fabricated via STED-inspired Laser Lithography | |
Dr. | Katona, Markus | Near-field Photogoniometry | |
Dr. | Katumo, Ngei | Down-Conversion Thin-Films for Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic Devices | |
Dr. | Kelting, Rebecca | Structures and fragmentation behavior of mass-selected lead, bismuth and lanthanum cluster ions | |
Dr. | Kenntner, Johannes | Fabrication of grating structures with aspect ratio 100 for phase contrast imaging in a Talbot interferometer | |
Dr. | Kern, Christian | On the Hall effect in three-dimensional metamaterials | |
Dr. | Kettwich, Carmen | Distraction in road traffic and its influence on driving behaviour | |
Dr. | Kiowski, Oliver | Spectroscopy of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes and their synthesis via chemical vapor deposition | |
Dr. | Klapper, Yvonne | Mechanisms of interaction between human serum proteins and lipid membranes | |
Dr. | Klein, Michael | Development of analytical techniques to optimize the morphology of organic solar cells | |
Dr. | Klinkhammer, Sönke | Tunable organic lasers | |
Dr. | Klusmann, Carolin | Hybrid Photonic–Plasmonic Modes in Coated Whispering-Gallery Resonators | |
Dr. | Koch, Frieder | X-ray optics made by X-ray lithography: Process optimization and quality control | |
Dr. | Kohler, Daria | Fabrication and fuctionalization of integrated sensor arrays for parallel biosensing applications | |
Dr. | Kohler, Larissa | Fiber-based optical microcavities for biosensing in liquids | |
Dr. | Korn, Dietmar | Silicon organic hybrid components for photonic integrated circuits | |
Dr. | Kornemann, Elisa | Development of an X-ray zoom lens | |
Dr. | Kölmel, Dominik | Chemical biology of new cell-penetrating peptoids and synthesis of fluorous dyes | |
Dr. | König, Michael | Discontinuous Galerkin methods in nanophotonics | |
Dr. | König, Swen | Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and mm-Wave Wireless Links for Converged Access Networks | |
Dr. | Krämmer, Christoph | Optoelectronic Characterization of Thin-Film Solar Cells by Electroreflectance and Luminescence Spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Krämmer, Sarah | Dye-Doped Polymeric Lasers for Sensing Applications | |
Dr. | Küffner, Johannes Michael | Large-scale perovskite deposition for solar cells and modules | |
Dr. | Lang, Mario | Analysis of the electronic structure of Kesterite thin film solar cells by optical spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Langenhorst, Malte | Cloaked contact grids of silicon/perovskite multijunction solar cells | |
Dr. | Lämmle, Anke | Doping of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 layers with sodium and potassium to increase efficiency | |
Dr. | Ledermann, Alexandra | Design, Fabrication, and Characterisation of Three-Dimensional Photonic Quasicrystals | |
Dr. | Lenz, Philip | Efficient Min-cost Flow Tracking with Bounded Memory and Computation | |
Dr. | Li, Jingshi | Optical Delay Interferometers and their Application for Self-coherent Detection | |
Dr. | Li, Sheying | Photovoltaic–powered membrane filtration system for brackish water desalination | |
Dr. | Li, Yiming | Probing Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles, One at a Time | |
Dr. | Liu, Xin | Organic Semiconductor Lasers and Tailored Nanostructures for Raman Spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Löffler, Wolfgang | Electrical preparation of spin-polarized electrons in semiconductor quantum dots | |
Dr. | Longo, Paolo | Waveguide Quantum Optics: A Wave-Function Based Approach | |
Dr. | Luz, Andreas | On the photochemical synthesis of nanoscale main group elements and novel dye solar cells | |
Dr. | Maffre, Pauline | Quantitative Studies of Nanoparticle-Biological Matter Interactions Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy Methods | |
Dr. | Mai, Marit | Synthesis and characterization of nanoscale phosphors in ionic liquids | |
Dr. | Maier-Flaig, Florian | Silicon nanocrystals for optoelectronic applications | |
Dr. | Mamyrbayev, Talgat | Hyperresolution in Grating based X-ray interferometry | |
Dr. | Marin Palomo, Pablo | Chip-Scale Frequency Comb Sources for Teratronics and Tbit/s Communications | |
Dr. | Márkus, Ottó | X-ray Condenser Optics and Beam Shaping | |
Dr. | Marschall, Felix | Development of an X-ray microscope for photon energies from 15 keV to 30 keV | |
Dr. | Mayer, Frederik | On Multi-Material 3D Laser Microprinting | |
Dr. | Meinzer, Nina | Coupling plasmonic metamaterials to single-quantum-well gain | |
Dr. | Meiser, Jan | Large area X-ray gratings for X-ray phase contrast imaging | |
Dr. | Melikyan, Argishti | Active and Passive Plasmonic Devices for Optical Communications | |
Dr. | Mertens, Adrian | Light management in organic tandem-solar cells | |
Dr. | Merz, Andreas | Microwave spin manipulation in spin LEDs | |
Dr. | Mescher, Henning | Printed x-ray detectors | |
Dr. | Mescher, Jan | Modelling and simulation of semi-transparent organic solar cells | |
Dr. | Messer, Tobias | STED inspired and lamda-orthogonal laser lithography | |
Dr. | Mißbach, Thomas | Development of a light modulator-based measurement system for the determination of the external quantum efficiency of multiple solar cells | |
Dr. | Mnasri, Karim | Nonlocal homogenization theory of Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Molinar Torres, Gabriela Alejandra | Machine Learning Tool for Transmission Capacity Forecasting of Overhead Lines based on Distributed Weather Data | |
Dr. | Moosmann, Carola | Design and simulation of nano antennas | |
Dr. | Moghadamzadeh, Somayeh | Perovskite solar cells | |
Dr. | Müller, Jonathan | Exploring the Mechanisms of Three-Dimensional Direct Laser Writing by Multi-Photon Polymerization | |
Dr. | Müller, Patrick | Molecular Photoswitches for STED-inspired Laser Lithography | |
Naber, Ady | Eulerian Video Processing for intraoperative diagnosis | ||
Dr. | Nanz, Stefan | Tailored Light Scattering and Emission in Solar Cells and LEDs Using Ordered and Disordered Interfaces | |
Dr. | Nesic, Aleksandar | 3D freeform waveguides in integrated optics - concepts, modeling and applications | |
Dr. | Neuwirth, Markus | Process development for wet chemical fabrication Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells | |
Dr. | Niegemann, Jens | Higher-order methods for solving Maxwell's equations in the time-domain | |
Dr. | Niemeyer, Andreas | On Cloaking for Diffuse Light and its Limits | |
Dr. | Nickel, Felix | Fabrication and characterization of mechanically flexible organic solar cells by solution processing | |
Dr. | Niesler, Fabian | Nonlinear Optics of Split-Ring Resonators and their Application as a Thermal Detector | |
Dr. | Oldenburg, Michael | Photon upconversion heterostructures made from surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks | |
Dr. | Opolka, Alexander | Development of multi-focus Compound Refractive Lenses | |
Dr. | Ovvyan, Anna | Nanophotonic circuits for single photon emitters | |
Dr. | Pauls, Jan-Hendrik | Automatische lokale Plausibilisierung hochpräziser Kartendaten für das automatisierte Fahren auf Autobahnen | |
Dr. | Pérez, José | Near-field optical fluorescene correlation spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Pfeifle, Jörg | Terabit-Rate Transmission Using Optical Frequency Comb Sources | |
Dr. | Pink, Oliver | Image-based self-localization of road vehicles | |
Dr. | Pollnow, Stefan | Characterizing Cardiac Electrophysiology during Radiofrequency Ablation : An Integrative Ex vivo, In silico, and In vivo Approach | |
Dr. | Poß, Marieke | Inorganic-organic hybrid nanomaterials for medicine and catalysis | |
Dr. | Preinfalk, Jan | Micro- and nanoparticle-based technologies for increasing the efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes | |
Dr. | Prunsche, Benedikt | High resolution optical nanoscopy and fluctuation spectroscopy for the investigation of biophysical processes | |
Dr. | Schneider, Tanja | Electrical doping of charge carrier injection and extraction layers for solution processed organic optoelectronic devices | |
Dr. | Qu, Jingyuan | On Thermoelastic and Poroelastic Metamaterials | |
Dr. | Rahimzadegan, Aso | Tailored Disorder in Dielectric Metasurfaces | |
Dr. | Rapp, Holger | Reconstruction of Specular Reflective Surfaces using Auto-Calibrating Deflectometry | |
Dr. | Rath, Patrik | Integrated optomechanics and single-photon detection in diamond photonic integrated circuits | |
Dr. | Rehder, Eike | Methoden zur erweiterten Objektbeschreibung mittels 3D-Sensoren für Fahrerassistenzsysteme | |
Dr. | Reinhard, Manuel | Hybrid thin film photovoltaics based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and organic semiconductors | |
Dr. | Reza, KM Samaun | How Snakes Optimize Their Body Scales to Survive in Their Respective Habitat | |
Dr. | Richter, Benjamin | Selective bio-functionalization of three-dimensional microstructures | |
Dr. | Ridoy, Ahmed Ismail | Atmospheric Pressure Dry Nanotexturing for Crystalline Silicon PERC Solar Cells | |
Dr. | Riechert, Falko | Speckle reduction in projection systems | |
Dr. | Riedel, Boris | Efficiency enhancement of organic light emitting devices | |
Dr. | Rill, Michael | Three-dimensional photonic metamaterials by direct laser writing and advanced metallization techniques | |
Dr. | Roser, Martin | Model-based and position-accurate detection of raindrops in image sequences to improve video-based driver assistance functions | |
Dr. | Roslizar, Aiman | Block Copolymer for Nanoscale Photonic Structures | |
Dr. | Rotscholl, Ingo | Spectral near field data of LED systems for optical simulations | |
Dr. | Ritzer, David | Advanced laser-patterned interconnection schemes for perovskite photovoltaics and perovskite-based multijunction photovoltaics | |
Dr. | Rudat, Birgit | Photophysical properties of fluorophor labeled peptoids: from ensemble to single molecule spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Rueda, Diana | Hybrid inorganic/organic printable solar cells | |
Dr. | Ruf, Fabian | Optical spectroscopy of perovskite structures for thin-film solar cells | |
Dr. | Ruisi, Sebastiana | Investigation of the intracellular trafficking of guidance receptors in axonal growth cones | |
Dr. | Rülke, Daniel | Quantum dot microresonators and single photon sources | |
Dr. | Ruther, Matthias | Electrochemical modulation and restructuring of planar metallic metamaterials | |
Dr. | Wirges, Sascha | High-precision 3D sphere modeling with laser scans | |
Dr. | Sayanca, Inca | Sensor fusion for compensation of measurement errors in camera-based color distribution measurement | |
Dr. | Schelb, Mauno | Integrated sensors with polymer-based photonic crystals | |
Dr. | Schindler, Philipp | Self-coherent silicon integrated optic receivers | |
Dr. | Schinle, Florian | Development and characterization of a photodissociation spectroscopy set-up in an FT-ICR mass spectrometer | |
Dr. | Schittny, Robert | Cloaking in Heat Conduction and Light Diffusion | |
Dr. | Schmogrow, René | Real-time Digital Signal Processing for Software-defined Optical Transmitters and Receivers | |
Dr. rer. nat. | Schnabel, Thomas | Solution-processed kesterite absorbers for thin film solar cells | |
Dr. | Schultes, Moritz | Development of highly energy- and cost-effective perovskite type solar cells for tandem cell application | |
Dr. | Schüle, Sven | Modular adaptive micro-optical systems combined with microactuators | |
Dr. | Schwingel, Melanie | Multiple trap optical tweezers for cell force measurements | |
Dr. | Scheiwe, Andrea | Reactions of cells in three-dimensional microstructures to local mechanical stimuli | |
Dr. | Schmager, Raphael | Nano-photonic electrodes for perovskite / silicon multijunction solar cells | |
Dr. | Schneider, Erik Karsten | Strukturbestimmung von Clusterionen mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie | |
Dr. | Schönbein, Miriam | Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles | |
Dr. | Schöttle, Christian | Optical properties of non-noble metal nanoparticles - Synthesis and Characterisation | |
Dr. | Schröter, Tobias | Enlargement of the field of view of the X-ray phase contrast imaging for clinical application | |
Dr. | Schumann, Martin | Transformation optics for optoelectronic devices - Cloaking contact fingers and enhancing light extraction | |
Dr. | Schwab, Patrick | Optical antennas made of Al and Au: Excitation concepts and influence of oxidation | |
Dr. | Schwarze, Tobias | Compact Environment Modelling from Unconstrained Camera Platforms | |
Dr. | Schwenzer, Jonas | Thermische Stabilität von Metall-Halogenid-Perowskitsolarzellen | |
Dr. | Seeger, Jasmin | Electro-Optical Analysis of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Solar Cells | |
Dr. | Seibert, Jasmin | Design of New N-heterocyclic TADF Emitter based on the Paracyclophane Framework | |
Dr. | Shen, Na | Automatic installation and uninstallation of the weather sensor nodes on the electrical transmission tower using unmanned aerial system | |
Dr. | Shi, Qiang | Wiring up pre-characterized single nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by 3D laser lithography | |
Dr. | Shinohara, Leilei | A Doppler Lidar system with preview control for wind turbine load mitigation | |
Dr. | Siddique, Radwanul | Fabrication and analysis of bio-inspired photonic nano/microstructures found in butterfly wing scales | |
Dr. | Siegle, Tobias | Durchstimmbare photonische Bauelemente aus polymeren Flüstergalerie-Resonatoren | |
Dr. | Simon, Markus | X-ray lenses with large apertures | |
Dr. | Slivina, Evgeniia | Holistic and multiscale photon management for silicon based solar cells | |
Dr. | Spuling, Eduard | Synthesis of new[2.2]paracyclophane derivatives for application in materials sciences | |
Dr. | Staude, Isabelle | Functional elements in three-dimensional photonic bandgap materials | |
Dr. | Stegmaier, Matthias | All-optical processing on a single chip | |
Dr. | Stock, Simon | Simulation of Intraocular Lenses in Virtual Reality | |
Dr. | Straubel, Jakob | Light-Matter Interaction in Hybrid Quantum Plasmonic Systems | |
Dr. | Streck, Andreas | Miniaturized Flying Spot Projectors - Laser Control and System Design | |
Dr. | Striebel, Thomas | Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional microstructures for cell experiments | |
Dr. | Strobel, Noah | Digital printing processes for fabrication of optoelectronic semiconductor devices | |
Dr. | Stürzl, Ninette | Confocal microscopy on bundled and individual single-walled carbon nanotubes | |
Dr. | Suryadharma, Radius Nagassa | T-matrix Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis | |
Dr. | Tekpinar, Miyase | Super Resolution Imaging of Cell Membrane and Implementation of Advanced Imaging Algorithms | |
Dr. | Ternes, Simon | In-situ characterization of the perovskite precursor drying and crystallization for the upscaling of perovskite photovoltaics | |
Dr. | Theobald, Dominik | Simulation of the scattering in optoelectronic devices | |
Dr. | Thiel, Michael | Design, fabrication, and characterization of three-dimensional chiral photonic crystals | |
Dr. | Tian, Wei | Novel Aggregated Solutions for Robust Visual Tracking in Traffic Scenarios | |
Dr. | Umbach, Marion | Achromatic X-Ray lenses | |
Dr. | Umesh Babu, Harsha | Optical product security using random structures | |
Dr. | Vannahme, Christoph | Integration of organic lasers in Lab-on-Chip systems | |
Dr. | Vetter, Andreas | Designer metasurfaces for optical lithography | |
Dr. | Vlnieska, Vitor | Development of phase and dark field imaging for structural analysis of nanocomposite materials | |
Dr. | Vochezer, Paul | Measurement of the microphysical and optical properties of mixed-phase clouds at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch (3568 m a.s.l.) | |
Dr. | Vogt, Harald | Rolled Refractive X-Ray Foillenses | |
Dr. | Volz, Daniel | Dual-Core Copper(I) Complexes as OLED Emitters: Synthesis, Properties and New Concepts | |
Dr. | Waldt, Eugen | Luminescence spectroscopy of lanthanide complexes and dye molecules in an ion trap | |
Dr. | Wawryszyn, Mirella | Glycoconjugates - Strategies and Possibilities | |
Dr. | Wickberg, Andreas | On Second-Harmonic Generation in Nanolaminates and 3D Nanolaminated Photonic Crystals | |
Dr. | Wienhold, Tobias | Integrated dye lasers for all-polymer photonic Lab-on-a-Chip systems | |
Dr. | Wissert, Matthias | Optical antennas: linear and nonlinear excitation and emission | |
Dr. | Wissler, Jörg | Molecule diffusion through individual nuclear pore complexes of the frog egg (Xenopus laevis): Investigation with a new device in the optical near field and laser fluorescence correlation spectroscopy | |
Dr. | Wolf, Stefan | Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) electro-optic modulators for high-speed and power-efficient communications | |
Dr. | Wolff, Christian | Band Structure Based Analysis of Certain Photonic Crystal Structures | |
Dr. | Wong, Sean | Arsenic Trisulfide Inorganic Photoresist for Three-Dimensional Photolithography | |
Dr. | Woska, Simon | Tuning of Microresonators and Coupling of Multiple Resonators on Elastomer Substrates | |
Dr. | Zakharova, Margarita | Time-resolved single-shot X-ray imaging technique for size-sensitive characterization of materials | |
Dr. | Zebrowski, Thomas | The Full Anisotropic Adaptive Fourier Modal Method and its Application to Periodic and Aperiodic Photonic Nanostructures | |
Dr. | Zhang, Min | Organic Light Emitting Diodes: Electron Injection Layers for Advanced Solution Processed Device Architectures | |
Dr. | Zhang, Zhenhao | Nanoscale investigation of potential distribution in operating Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells | |
Dr. | Zhou, Lu | Localization Microscopy Based Super-resolution Imaging and Analysis of Dynamics | |
Dr. | Ziegler, Julius | Optimal track and trajectory planning for automobiles | |
Dr. | Zillner, Julia | Development of environmental friendly and stable perovskite solar cells | |
Dr. | Zimmermann, Johannes | Printed electrochemical light cells based on biocompatible and biodegradable materials | |
Dr. | Zinßer, Mario | Analysis, Simulation and Experimental Proof of the Efficiency Maximization of CIGS-Photovoltaic-Modules | |
Dr. | Zvahelskyi, Roman | In-situ 3D optical coherence tomography during 3D multi-photon laser nanoprinting |

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