KSOP Principal Investigators: Professors
Portrait Name Function Group
Picture of Martin Bastmeyer
Scientific Speaker of Research Area "Biomedical Photonics" Institute of Zoology I
Picture of Prof. Dr. Stefan Bräse
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute of Organic Chemistry
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Photonic Materials & Devices" Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Matthias Fuchs
Principal Investigator of Research Areas "Photonic Materials & Devices" and "Optical Systems" Institute for Beam Physics and Technology
Michael Heizmann
Institute Director Institute for Industrial Information Technology
Gerardo Hernandez-Sosa
Group leader for the topic of printed electronics at the InnovationLab Light Technology Institute
David Hunger Picture
Scientific Speaker of Research Area “Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy” Institute of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology
Principal Investigator of Research Area “Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy” Institute of Physical Chemistry II, Institute of Nanotechnology and DFG Center of Functional Nanostructures (CFN)
Picture of Christian Koos
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Optical Systems" Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics
Picture of Jan G. Korvink
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Photonic Materials & Devices" and "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute of Microstructure Technology
Picture of Prof. Moritz Kreysing, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Biomedical Photonics" Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems - Biological Information Processing
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK)
Picture of Uli Lemmer
KSOP Scientific Coordinator, Scientific Speaker of Research Area "Solar Energy" Light Technology Institute
Maryna Meretska
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Photonic Materials & Devices" Institute of Nanotechnology
Prof. Dr. Anja Metelmann
Principal Invesitgator of Research Area "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute for Theoretical Condensed Matter physics (TKM)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Werner Nahm
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Biomedical Photonics" Institute for Biomedical Technology
Head of Examination Board, Principal Investigator of Research Area "Optical Systems" Karlsruher School of Optics and Photonics
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Biomedical Photonics" Institute of Applied Physics
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) - Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing (ASF)
Picture of Ulrich Paetzold
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Solar Energy" Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Solar Energy" Light Technology Institute
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Randel
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Optical Systems" Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Solar Energy" Institute of Microstructure Technology
Dean of Studies of M. Sc. Optics & Photonics, Head of Study Committee, Principal Investigator of Research Area "Photonic Materials & Devices" Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics
Scientific Speaker of Research Area “Optical Systems” Institute of Measurement & Control Systems
Wilhelm Stork
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Optical Systems" Institute for Information Processing Technologies
Bild Wagenknecht
Principal Investigator of Research Area "Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy" Institute of Organic Chemistry
Martin Wegener Picture
Scientific Speaker of Research Area “Photonic Materials & Devices” Institute of Applied Physics, Insitute of Nanotechnology, DFG Center of Functional Nanostructures (CFN)