Industry Cooperations - Advantages for KSOP Students

The Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP) prepares students for an academic as well as for an industrial career path. Therefore the close cooperation to industry partners is of high value for KSOP students.
By gaining experiences in well-known international companies via internships or master´s thesis projects, students can prepare for their professional path and get in contact with future employers. KSOP offers a lot of events and trainings to open students possibilities in the German labour market, e.g.
Practical Experiences & Industry Insights
- Gain experiences in international companies in Germany while completing at least one internship in the industry
- KSOP encourages students to write their master´s thesis at a partner company to build up a network of possible future employers
- Excursions to industry partners
- Cooperative lectures of company representatives
Soft Skills & Cultural Integration
- In German language courses, intercultural training as well as German Business Knigge workshops, KSOP students get to know the culture and the working environment in Germany better
- Learn more about how to prepare for a job interview in Germany in our application workshops
- Team work is facilitated by lab work in teams and extra-curricular activities, e.g., organized by the OSA and SPIE student chapter OSKar
Building Career Networks
Network and career events such as excursions as well as mentorship for scholarship holders offer possibilities for students and company representatives to get to know each other
Click here for a closer look on our current industry partners.
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